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Нравится вам это или нет, но ваш автомобиль до краев забит компьютерами. Хотя эти компьютеры — воплощение мечты, когда все работает так, как должно, они могут быстро превратиться в кошмар, когда схемы начинают выходить из строя.

К счастью для всех, эти компьютеры редко выходят из строя. Потому что когда они это сделают, их будет дорого заменить. Одним из этих волшебных компьютеров является модуль управления трансмиссией, и, как следует из названия, он контролирует все в трансмиссии.

В этом подробном руководстве мы разберем все, что вам нужно знать о вашем PCM, и о том, что вам нужно делать, если он начинает давать сбои.

Transmission Control Module TCM

Both vehicles with automatic transmission and manual transmission are also equipped with a TCM (Transmission Control Module). This unit determines if the vehicle’s transmission needs to shift. Over the years, these devices have had their functionality vastly improved as well. These days, not only does it track the input from the transmission, but also provides information about the cruise control, throttle, and traction control. Thus, it can decrease wheel spinning and gear hunting. Automatic transmissions and even dual clutch manual transmissions are coming with TCM modules installed, whereas the traditional manual gearbox does not. Manual transmissions have electric functions controlled by the ECU.

Стоимость замены PCM

PCM — это компьютер, и заменить его недешево. Вот почему средняя стоимость замены PCM составляет от 800 до 1500 долларов.

Хуже того, почти все дело в стоимости самого PCM. Стоимость рабочей силы обычно составляет от 75 до 100 долларов. Но если вы думаете, что можете сэкономить 100 долларов и заменить их самостоятельно, подумайте еще раз.

Это потому, что вам нужно запрограммировать PCM для вашего конкретного автомобиля, и если у вас нет проприетарного программного обеспечения для этого, вам нужно будет отнести его в дилерский центр.

Хорошая новость заключается в том, что дилерский центр увидит, нельзя ли перепрограммировать PCM перед его заменой. Если вам повезет, они найдут обновление и перепрограммируют его для вас, что обычно стоит всего от 75 до 150 долларов.

Powertrain Control Module = Engine Control Module and Transmission Control Module

Example of an Engine Control Module

ECM and PCM (Powertrain Control Module) on the other hand controls several different aspects of the vehicle. Usually, it’s Engine & Transmission. Sometimes, it may even be the steering and emissions systems, too. By allocating control of all the systems in one unit, the PCM can better regulate their functions (ex. when the PCM commands to change gears, it can pull back the throttle to get the shift smoother). The result is better fuel economy and power delivery.

Even though a replacement OEM ( Original equipment manufacturing) PCM may seem like a single assembly from the outside, most of them combine a separate ECU and TCM, each of them has a dedicated processor and programming memory. They operate independently throughout the unit operations, sharing data in case a certain function expects both systems to work in tandem. It also has a great benefit for tuners, because it means they can program one system and leave another unaffected.


Replacing your PCM or ECM happen to be the most common terms for the actual engine computer. ECU is a general term that can mean anything driven by a computer since it stands for “Electronic Control Unit”. In the automotive electronics industry, Control Unit ECU is used as a generic term for any built-in system that controls multiple electrical features in a car. It usually includes:

  • Body Control Module (BCM)
  • Brake Control Module (BCM or EBCM)
  • Central Control Module (CCM)
  • Central Timing Module (CTM)
  • Engine control unit /Engine Control Module (ECM and PCM)
  • General Electronic Module (GEM)
  • Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
  • Suspension Control Module (SCM)
  • Fuel Injection Control Unit (Fuel mixture)
  • Transmission Control Module (TCM), etc.
  • OEM ( Original Equipment Unit ) ECU ( Electronic Control Unit) 

Sometimes one assembly consolidates several different systems from this module list. Most modern cars have up to 80 different ECU Units.

Your engine control module is not something you should take lightly when it comes to your vehicle, repair or replace it as soon as possible. Do not ignore your check engine lights ! If you’re in search with for a replacement PCM then you’re in luck check out our full catalog of Control Modules to find what exactly fits your vehicle, and or you can always shoot us any question here.


ECM or Electronic Control Module (sometimes referred to as an “ECU” – Engine Control Unit) receives incoming data from various sensors to alter the function of electronic systems. Most of the times, it is dedicated to an engine electronics only – all its’ electronics and sensors. In this case, the vehicle would have additional computers responsible for other operations in it (e.g. AC, power windows, gearbox).

The first ECMs were introduced in the early 80’s. The only thing they were capable of controlling back in the day, was the fuel injection system. But as car electronics have learned, the function of the Engine Control Module has expanded to almost every phase of operation. Modern engines are equipped with ECM modules that gather information from the intake, exhaust, cooling system and some other internal components to estimate the running condition of the engine. Based on collected data, it sets the position of the camshafts, throttle; it sets up the ignition/injection timing.

ECM – Engine Control Module

An ECM is an engine control module, sometimes referred to as an engine control unit (ECU). This computer takes incoming sensor data and uses that information to alter the function of electronic systems for better performance. The first ECMs introduced in the early 1980s could only control fuel injection, but as electronics and engine design have improved, the function of these devices has spread to almost every aspect of operation.

In a modern engine, the ECM will gather information from the intake, exhaust, cooling system and several internal components to judge the running condition of the engine. From there, it can decide the position of the camshafts, the throttle position, ignition timing, fuel injection timing and, in turbocharged cars, wastegate pressure.

TCM – Transmission Control Module

Before we get into the PCM, let’s talk about the Transmission Control Module (TCM) since it works in tandem with the ECM. It’s sometimes referred to as a transmission control unit (TCU). This device uses incoming sensor data to determine when the transmission needs to shift. Over the years, the functionality of these devices have improved, adding input from the cruise control, throttle and traction control system, reducing gear hunting and wheel spin.

Both automatics and dual clutch manual transmissions have TCMs, but traditional manual transmissions do not. Electronic functions for manual transmissions are done by the ECM, if at all. For example, the Active Rev Matching in a Corvette matches clutch and engine RPM during shifts using wheel speed data from the traction control system and a shifter position sensor on the transmission.

Функция PCM

PCM — это мозг блока питания вашего двигателя. Он контролирует различные функции, включая опережение зажигания, подачу топлива, выбросы, давление турбонаддува, скорость холостого хода, управление дроссельной заслонкой и многое другое.

Возможно, вы слышали о модуле управления трансмиссией (TCM) или модуле управления двигателем (ECM), но PCM управляет обеими этими функциями. Итак, если в вашем автомобиле есть PCM, он либо содержит оба этих компонента в одном блоке, либо один компьютер управляет обеими функциями.

PCM управляет всеми этими функциями с помощью различных датчиков, которые с ним связываются. Он начинается с отправки управления исполнительному механизму, а затем измеряет фактические результаты с помощью датчика.

PCM запрограммирован так, чтобы указывать каждому приводу, что делать, когда выполняются определенные команды — например, при нажатии на дроссель — а затем он запрограммирован на то, чтобы знать, какие приемлемые показания будут в ответ.

Когда что-то работает неправильно, он выдает предупреждение водителю через контрольную лампу двигателя. Нет, это непростой компонент для понимания, и, если у вас нет проприетарного программного обеспечения, вы также не собираетесь исправлять этот компонент.

PCM Расположение

PCM чаще всего располагается в моторном отсеке рядом с блоком предохранителей или внутри автомобиля рядом с блоком предохранителей. Часто он также может располагаться под лобовым стеклом за какими-то крышками.

Производитель может разместить PCM вашего автомобиля в нескольких разных местах, но чаще всего в моторном отсеке. PCM не выглядит чем-то особенным, это просто металлический ящик с выходящими из него проводами.

Если PCM вашего автомобиля находится не в моторном отсеке, он может быть внутри салона. Хотя это место не так уж часто встречается, но обычно оно находится под приборной панелью со стороны пассажира — за всеми пластиковыми покрытиями.

В очень редких случаях, когда вашего PCM нет ни в одном из этих мест, он может быть в багажнике вашего автомобиля. Это не так часто, поскольку все провода от двигателя должны быть проложены к задней части автомобиля для связи с PCM.

Troubleshooting the ECM or PCM

If your car has been having the issues below and the root mechanical causes are hard to find, it’s possible your ECM or PCM needs to be repaired or replaced.

– Check Engine Light – The light goes on and off and doesn’t seem to correspond to an actual mechanical problem.

– Engine Stalling or Misfiring – Stalling and misfiring may occur without any pattern to frequency or severity.

– Engine Performance Issues – You’ll notice a reduction in fuel efficiency, power, and acceleration.

– Car Not Starting – Your vehicle does not start or is difficult to start. The engine may still crank but won’t be able to start without vital inputs from the computer.

Make sure you’ve eliminated all the mechanical reasons for your car’s performance issues before deciding to repair or replace your ECM or PCM.

Why the Confusion Between ECM and PCM?

There are three primary reasons why these terms are often confused:

– Vehicle Manufacturer – The types of computer modules you have and how they’re configured in your car depend on the manufacturer, so you’ll want to consult your owner’s manual to be sure of their specific terminology.

– Modern vs Older Vehicles – Since 1996, there’s been a shift toward a single operating unit (the PCM) in vehicles. The PCM manages all systems, but as noted earlier, they can still work independently. Older automobile models had two computers, the ECM and the TCM. The ECM controlled the engine function and the TCM controlled the transmission. For cars with a manual transmission, they only had an ECM because there was no need for a computer to operate the transmission functions.

– Electronic Control Unit – The term electronic control unit (ECU) is often used as a generic term for any built-in system that controls multiple electrical features in a car. It could include systems like the ones above, or Body Control Module (BCM), Brake Control Module (BCM), Central Control Module (CCM), Central Timing Module (CTM), and many others. This again depends on the car manufacturer.

PCM – Powertrain Control Module

The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) is the main computer in the automobile that controls all its functions. By placing control of both the transmission and engine into one unit, the PCM can better coordinate their functions for better power delivery and fuel economy. For example, when the PCM decides to change gears, it can back off the throttle to make the shift smoother.

Although a PCM may look like a single unit from the outside, most contain a separate ECM and TCM, each with their own processor and programming ROM. These act independently during most operations, sharing data when a function requires both systems to work together. For tuners, that means programming can be updated on one system while leaving the other untouched.

The PCM senses and monitors more than 100 factors in a car or truck. Here are a few of the most essential processes.

– Air-to-Gas Ratio – The PCM adjusts the air-to-gas ratio being pumped into the cylinders of the car, which saves fuel.

– Ignition Timing – The PCM can control the speed of spark plug firing, helping the engine deliver an optimum amount of power per RPM.

– Idle Speed – The PCM ensures that your car’s idle speed is not revved up to a higher than necessary RPM to manage any ancillary activities, such as air conditioning.

– Performance Monitoring – Using sensors such as temperature, oil and fluid level, air intake, emission level, camshaft angle, or throttle position, the PCM can monitor the car’s performance. When the PCM can’t restore them to ideal levels, the check engine light will appear.  

Improving Car Performance through Reflashing

Reflashing is essentially a software upgrade. Control modules (ECMs, TCMs, and PCMs) are built with microchips that can be reprogrammed electronically without being removed from the vehicle. Auto manufacturers are continually updating controller software to solve problems such as false diagnostic trouble codes, hesitation, rough idle, emissions problems, hard starting, poor fuel economy and other issues. If you’re not under warranty or using a dealer for tune-ups, your car could benefit from reflashing. Reflashing can improve your car’s fuel efficiency, add more torque, or provide a faster throttle response. A professional tune is highly recommended when used in conjunction with other aftermarket parts.

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